Thursday, April 4, 2013

are you on a Diet?

Check out the link below!  Great ways to avoid common Diet mistakes!

3 weight loss mistakes! 

Happy Thursday Peeps!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Challenge Is in Full Swing, Let's make Little Changes!

Small Changes, Big Pay Offs!
The list below is just a few examples of how to make little changes in your daily life to help keep weight off over the year.  It may seem like common sense, but how often do we forget about the "little things" that add up to extra pounds.  Let get back to the basics and remember small changes are more realistic, they will be changes we stick to for life!  Skip the cheese, but eat the sandwich, grab a water, say no thanks to a pop, walk the 3 blocks to the bank instead of driving in the car.....simple changes, these are do able. Right?

Do you have examples of changes you have made?  Share with us!!  

Hey Challengers, here is a tip, start writing down everything you eat and write how you feel after.  This will get you thinking about "what you are really consuming," also writing down how you feel after will make you realize how often you are becoming "to full."  Focus on your daily intake and then think about "little changes" you could make in your daily diet.