Monday, November 26, 2012

Cyber Monday Special!

Cyber Monday is here!
Shape It Up Fitness has your printable coupon ready!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, Black Friday and a fun long weekend!

As we count down the days to Christmas, we will be starting another follow along program taking us from December 1st to New Years Eve!  Join along as we crank up the cardio, add more strength training and push ourselves harder to keep off the Holiday weight!

Monday, November 19, 2012

4 days left!

This about Sums it up! 4 days left until Thanksgiving!  Power through the work outs and push yourself into longer cardio sets!  You want Stuffing, Mash Potatoes and Pie?? Then you need to push harder now and then again and AGAIN!!  Just because it's a Holiday, find time to work out and sneak in a healthy breakfast!  Try to work out  Thanksgiving morning or take a walk with the family after dinner!  

Today's Challenge: 1 hour on the clock!
19 minutes 30 seconds of Cardio- outside or treadmill run, jog or power walk. GET YOUR HEART PUMPING!!!
2 minute warm up/slower pace
1 minute fast pace- run/jog/walk as fast as you can
30 second recovery- slower pace
1 minute fast pace- run/jog/walk as fast as you can
30 second recovery- slower pace
30 second super fast!!
1 minute second recovery- YOU SHOULD FEEL OUT OF BREATH!
**REPEAT 3 times**

Pump up the Jam!
**The following exercise routine uses, body weight, hand weights and a mat** 
15 Push ups
30 seconds Plank
15 Push Ups
30 seconds Plank
25 Jumping Jacks
15 Jump Squats
25 Jumping Jacks
15 Jump Squats
15 Side Plank w/ arm reach
(in side plank, reach top arm to ceiling, bring hand to arm pit, reach back to ceiling)
15 Side Plank Dips
15 Side Plank w/ arm reach (other side)
15 Side Plank Dips (other side)
25 alternating Lunges forward (1 on each side= 1 rep)
30 seconds high knees
25 alternating Lunges backward (1 on each side=1 rep)
30 second butt kickers
15 Biceps curls- weight weights 
15 Triceps Dips (using a step or chair)
15 Biceps Curls
15 Triceps Dips
15 Alternating Side Step Lunges (inside leg stays straight, outside leg steps out)
25 Speed Squats (FAST)
15 Curtsy Squats (just like curtsying with a dress, bring toe behind opposite toe and bend)
25 Double Leg Jumps

WATER BREAK!! *Repeat 1, 2, 3 times**

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What makes you Happy?

Every time I see this picture, I just smile and think about being Happy!!  Here are some things that make me Happy!  
1. The way my family communicates! Cell phones will never be as great as good old face to face conversation!
2. Being Warm- as in being outside and just feeling A-Ok, no jacket needed.
3. Waking up in the middle of the night, and realizing I have 2 more hours to sleep!
4. SLEEP- 8 hours a night is good, 9 is amazing.  
5. A nap at 10 a.m. because I got up super early
6. Being awake earlier by early I mean before 5 a.m I get the most done when everyone else is still sleeping.
7. Seeing the sun rise- we are so lucky it comes up every day!
8. Sunshine- and a good tan!  Thank god for Bronzer in the Winter
9. Talking to a complete stranger and thinking "wow, I really like that person" as you walk away
10. Hearing my mom talk and having her give me a compliment, she is my biggest critic and I love her for it.
11. Being able to Jump- I just love to jump and trying to jump high is so addicting
12. Moving- sitting is so boring
13. Hanging out with my brother, he is so different then me but I love to hear is opinion and ideas
14. A clean house!! with Fresh linens on my bed and towel for my shower.
15. Thinking about memories!! of course all the good memories!  Smiling to yourself as you think of all the good times!

There are so many things that make me Happy.  Being Happy is Healthy!! Tell me, what makes you happy?

Getting Wild and Sweaty!

Happy Wednesday Work Out Buddies!!
Today we are back to a High Intensity Interval Training Routine!  20 minutes of Sweating.  Push your hardest and make every move count.  Take breaks if you need them, drink water as you go and have some fun. After the HIIT work out follow the two photos below on how to target the abs!  Spend the next 10 minutes doing the moves back to back.  Total work out today 30 minutes!!  Get your Butt Moving!

Holy Cow- You should feel the BURN!!  Sweat should be rolling!!  How did everyone do?
Plank- with a reach up into Side Plank (1 minute)

Reverse wood choppers- use a ball, weight or something around 10 lbs from your home.  Keep abs pulled in, squat and reach down, turn torso up and move ball across body.  Feet stay planted. (1 minute)

**Break for 30 seconds and repeat 4 times, both  moves back to back**

Hope everyone has a great day!!  

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sore? Tired? Out of Breath? Sweaty?

We are getting closer to Thanksgiving (10 days away), TIME TO PICK IT UP!!

We are adding an additional 20 to 40 minutes of additional cardio exercises 3 to 4 times per week, PLUS your daily CHALLENGES!!  This mean, no more off days on Saturday/Sunday.  Time to get super serious and pick up the calorie burner. Remember 3,500 calories equals a pound!!  Keep those food journals going, watch what you are eating and cut out the junk.  Keep those legs and arms moving, jump higher, add an extra set and push longer!

Today: All about the Cardio burn!!  Long at least 40 minutes of intense cardio.  Heart rates elevated to the highest end of your zone!!  Right before you hit your max heart rate, try to keep it up until you answer yes to each question above!!

Finish With: (2 to 3 times)
15 jump squats
15 push ups
15 side plank dips (each side)
15 lunges each leg
50 crunches
1 minute plank


Power Balls! Perfect Little Snack

This is the Perfect Fix for any sweet tooth lover or a great on the go breakfast, afternoon snack or post work out treat.  It's made out of 4 ingredients with some optional add ins.  They are easy to make and stay good for over a week in the refrigerator. 

You will need: 
-1 cup rolled oats (grind in blender, until as fine as desired.)
-1/2 cup ground flax seed
-1/2 nut butter (peanut butter for this girl)
-1/3 cup to 1/2 cup honey (start low and add more as you stir)- every time I make them it's more or less 
-1/3 raisins
-1/4 cup mini chocolate chips
-1/4 cup chopped

Start by grinding up oatmeal, place oatmeal in bowl, stir in flax seed.  Add nut butter at room temp along with honey.  Stir until mixed will.  Everything should be sticking together.  If the mixture is dry add more nut butter and honey until well coated and sticky.  Add optional ingredients.  Use a spoon to scoop out mixture, form into balls.  Place in an air tight container, store in the refrigerator.  

They are a dense snack!  At about 100 calories for a small golf ball.  They contain lots of fiber, protein, omega 3's, and energy.  Enjoy!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wild On Wednesday!

We are going to get intense today with a fun cardio challenge!  The benefits of High Intensity Interval Training are
1. Effectiveness: You can fit in a great work out quickly! (like today)
2.Burn more calories, Burn more fat even after your done working it!
3. Healthier Heart!  When doing HIIT you get your heart rate to the anaerobic level!
4. No equipment necessary! You and your Work out shoes!
5. Lose weight, not muscle!
6. It increases your Metabolism!
7. You can do it anywhere....Like your HOUSE!!
8. It's a Challenge!!
With all these benefits- why not participate and get sweating!  Doing this activity you should push yourself to the point where talking is hard.  If your not sweating after your first round, you NEED to go HARDER!!!  Ready, Set, LET'S GO!!

-20 Minutes of High Intensity Interval Training- 

*Set 1* 50 seconds exercise/10 second recovery*
1. Jumping jacks/ REST
2. Stair climbs/ REST
3. Burpees/ REST
4. Jump squats/ REST
5. Push ups/ REST
Holy Cow- hard right!!  Keep Going!
*Set 2* 30 seconds exercise/30 seconds recovery*
1. Alternating jumping lunges/ REST
2.  Star Burst/  REST
3. Mountain Climbers/ REST
4. Side Plank/ REST
5. Side Plank (other side)/ REST
Half way to being awesome!  Is breathing getting hard?
*Set 3* 50 seconds exercise/30 second recovery*
1. High Knees/ REST
2. Double Leg Jumps (tuck knees up to chest)/ REST
3. Stair Climb/REST
4. Push Ups/REST
5. Burpees/REST
Last Set coming Up!!  You Got it, KEEP UP THE INTENSITY!
*Set 4* 30 sec exercise/ 30 second recovery* Stair case needed, or a single step* 
1. lateral side step up w/ toe raise/ REST
2. Opposite side step up w/ toe raise/ REST
3. Double jump up onto second stair or step/REST
4. Hot feet stepping up and down on stair or step/ REST
5. Jumping Jacks/ REST
You Clearly got to the End Because YOU ARE AWESOME!!! 

Happy Hump Day!  Enjoy the burn!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Oatmeal Pumpkin on the Go Breakfast Bars

Oatmeal Pumpkin on the Go Breakfast Bars-
No Excuse Not to do Breakfast each morning! 

Ingredients Needed:
-2 cups rolled oats (I use Bob's Red Mill Old Fashion Rolled Oats)
-1 tsp baking powder
-1/4 tsp kosher salt
-egg (beaten)
-1 over flowing cup of pumpkin (pure Pumpkin, NOT pie filling)
-1 to 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon (I use a little extra)
- 1/4 tsp nutmeg
-1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
-1.5 cups milk, soy milk, almond milk (I used skim the first time, trying with soy milk light next)
-1 tsp vanilla
-1/4 cup raisins (optional) (I use 1/2 cups because I love raisins)
-1/4 cup nuts (optional) (I used chopped pecans, going to try walnuts and almonds)
-1/4 cup white chocolate chips (optional) adds a hint of sweetness

-Preheat oven 375*
-Combine dry ingredients
-Combine wet ingredients
-Pour wet ingredients into the dry, Mix Well
-Bake for 30 minutes, or until center is set

Let cool! Cut into squares and enjoy!  I pop mine in the microwave, add peanut butter and enjoy with coffee!  You can also add berries on top or whatever else you can come up with.

Recipe share with me by my Betty Crocker BFF Cortney! 

Back to School!

Most of you that follow along with Shape It Up Fitness are friends or family that I see on a daily or weekly basis however I wanted to mention, I am going back to school!!  Lucky me, more tuition, more books, more reading, and lots more fun!!  and in the end LOTS MORE SMARTS!! P.S. I am the worst speller and have horrible grammar so excuse the errors!

Overall my goal is to become a registered Dietitian. I am hoping to accomplish this before I am 30 years old (currently 26 years 4 months old)! So I have a little wiggle room to finish in time before that big three O.  My current enrollment is at Normandale in Bloomington, Spring Semester 2013 bring Human Biology and Principles of Nutrition, in all honesty, I really can't wait!  I am a freak when it comes to diet, exercise and wellness teachings so bring on the lab work and let's crack a book, I am READY!!!

After I complete these courses I will be applying for the one year Dietetics Technology program.  If I am excepted, class begins in Fall 2013 and continues for one year including an internship over the summer.  After the completion of the program......I am hoping to still be as in love with school as I am now to continue on to a 4 year school and complete my second Under Grad. (depending on where I end up I could have 1.5 years to 2 years left). Once you hold a Dietetics Under Grad you must complete an internship and pass a national exam administered by the Commission of Dietetic Registration.  If you feel stressed out, SO DO I!!!  But at this point I am taking it day by day!  Crossing each hurdle as it come!

During this journey I will keep you posted on everything I am learning, how I am feeling, what I am doing to stay healthy, fit and continue to motivate readers to pushing toward their goals!!  Remember being fit and fabulous is a life style there is nothing quick about it!!!  Keep going, keep sweating and keep setting new goals.  Along the way just be happy and enjoy every minute of everyday!

Tone it Up Tuesday!

Happy Election Day!!  Get out and exercise your right to VOTE!!  I cast my vote bright and early!  Felt good!  Excited to see what the results are!  Here is your Toned on Tuesday work out!  If you have any questions feel free to facebook message me and I can help you through it!  Start with the warm up, followed by Sets 1 & 2, get your heart rate up with the cardio and repeat 1 & 2 and end with cardio!  Feeling super energize repeat 3 times for a extra tough challenge!!  Enjoy your day!!  Leave a comment post challenge! 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Small Changes BIG Payoff!

 Here is a great little table I found that can help you make better decisions that can really add up over time.  Sometimes we don't think about the little things we do, like it's only one cookie or one can of pop but over time those little mistakes are what bite us in the butt and make our pants tighter.  It's time to make HEALTHY decisions a habit!! Over time these decisions will be routine!! Save the treats and "easy options" for an actual special occasion.  Your co-workers birthday, a Wednesday Happy Hour, a crappy day at work, and all those other times we try to justify why we should SLACK, don't count!!!    Try the following and keep choosing healthy options, over time you will see a difference!  

Some options on this list are such common sense, others leave you thinking wow...those choices do add up!  Remember you are the person making the decisions, so make them as healthy and smart as possible!

Happy Monday- Get your sweat on!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Burning Up!!

Studies show that adding plyometric exercises to your workout routine can help build bone density and prevent injuries, as well as improve power, strength, and agility.  

Todays Challenge is all about jumping and adding a BURN!  Fired Up Friday!!!
Start with a warm up:
3 minute march in place
2 minute run in place
1 minute of body weight squats.  Good ones!!  Butt pushed back, straight back, chest up, bend the knees and GET LOW!

Complete each move and Repeat 2 time!  BURN BABY BURN!

Stand on your right leg with your left knee bent, foot lifted off the floor. Hop to your right, landing on your right foot, and then immediately back to your starting spot, still balancing on your right foot. That’s one rep. Complete 8 reps total on your right leg, and then repeat on the left

Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, extend both arms out to the sides at shoulder height, and squat down as if you were balancing on a surfboard.
Jump up, bringing your arms in to your body, and rotate 180 degrees in the air. Land in your starting "surfing squat" position, facing the opposite way. That’s one rep. Repeat 8 times.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a medicine ball. Squat down, and then quickly stand up as you throw the ball in the air overhead. Catch the ball and immediately return to your squat position. That’s one rep. Repeat 8 times.  
**If you don't have a medicine ball, use anything heavy you can find to toss up, or use a weight and just push it over head.**
Start in a lunge position with your right foot forward. Lunge down and then push off the ground and quickly switch legs in the air, landing in a lunge with your left foot forward (You can use your arms in any way that feels natural to help you get off the ground).
Repeat the same switch jump two more times (3 total), landing with your left foot forward, and then jump off the ground and land on your left foot only (that’s your hop). That’s one rep. Quickly return to your lunge position and repeat again, this time landing with your right foot forward, and then hopping on the right leg. Continue alternating legs until you've done 8 reps total.
Start in the top of modified pushup position (you may want a mat or towel under your knees for cushion) with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders on the floor.
Lower your body into a pushup, and explosively push back up, allowing your hands to "jump" off the floor and land directly under your shoulders. Immediately bend your elbows and lower your body into a tricepspushup. That’s one rep. Repeat again, this time jumping your hands back out to the wide pushup position. Do 8 reps total.

Happy Friday and Happy Jumping!!  You can do it and your body will love the burn, plus the big calorie burner!  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Week 2 of Booty Blast Thursdays

Ready to work the butt, thighs, calves, abs and obliques??

Start with a 5 minute warm up: 
Warm up the Muscles: (30 seconds each) jog in place, march in place, high knees, butt kicks, jumping jacks- REPEAT!

WORK OUT!! 6 butt Moves below MAX REPS! for 1 minute each- then hit the pavement, treadmill or stairs in your house adding a jog in place, get the heart rate up and keep it elevated for 15 minutes!  Then repeat the 6 moves and back to the 15 minute CARDIO routine one more TIME!

11.  Tip Toe Toner- feet wide, push weight up on to toes, sink low keeping weight on toes
  2. Rear Raiser- finger tips to the floor, perfect squat form, as you raise your butt up keep finger to the floor
  3. Soccer Sculptor- Squat low as you fire up kick alternating foot forward and across body
  4. Bicycle Buffer- Squat with alternating knee lift twisting the elbow to meet the knee
 5. Get Lean Lift- Squat and come up to a single leg hold, arms straight out with chest parallel to floor, one leg back
 6.  Wall Whittler- wall Squat with knee marches!!
  TIME TO SHAPE IT UP!  A toned butt is a happy butt
 Check out the moves at link below for pictures of the moves!