Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Back to School!

Most of you that follow along with Shape It Up Fitness are friends or family that I see on a daily or weekly basis however I wanted to mention, I am going back to school!!  Lucky me, more tuition, more books, more reading, and lots more fun!!  and in the end LOTS MORE SMARTS!! P.S. I am the worst speller and have horrible grammar so excuse the errors!

Overall my goal is to become a registered Dietitian. I am hoping to accomplish this before I am 30 years old (currently 26 years 4 months old)! So I have a little wiggle room to finish in time before that big three O.  My current enrollment is at Normandale in Bloomington, Spring Semester 2013 bring Human Biology and Principles of Nutrition, in all honesty, I really can't wait!  I am a freak when it comes to diet, exercise and wellness teachings so bring on the lab work and let's crack a book, I am READY!!!

After I complete these courses I will be applying for the one year Dietetics Technology program.  If I am excepted, class begins in Fall 2013 and continues for one year including an internship over the summer.  After the completion of the program......I am hoping to still be as in love with school as I am now to continue on to a 4 year school and complete my second Under Grad. (depending on where I end up I could have 1.5 years to 2 years left). Once you hold a Dietetics Under Grad you must complete an internship and pass a national exam administered by the Commission of Dietetic Registration.  If you feel stressed out, SO DO I!!!  But at this point I am taking it day by day!  Crossing each hurdle as it come!

During this journey I will keep you posted on everything I am learning, how I am feeling, what I am doing to stay healthy, fit and continue to motivate readers to pushing toward their goals!!  Remember being fit and fabulous is a life style there is nothing quick about it!!!  Keep going, keep sweating and keep setting new goals.  Along the way just be happy and enjoy every minute of everyday!

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